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Tired of rushing through your life on autopilot ?
You're in the right place !

Juggling so many plates that it makes your head spin and your breath short ? 

Trying so hard to be your best at home and at work, that you have no time left to just BE ?


Living your life in ways you thought you were supposed to and realizing that it's actually not you ? 



I help women just like you reconnect with the magic of their inner world...


And use it to find their own unique way to design and enjoy a thriving life. 


You can be one of them, today. 


Photo of Ruth Manou. Coach professionnelle certifiée. ELI Master practioner. Coach en Français et en Anglais. Basée à Dublin, Irlande

My name is Ruth Manou.

I am a Transformational Life Coach with a burning desire to help women remember how powerful they are.


I guide high-achieving women who are spread too thin to reconnect with the magic of their inner world; so that they can find their own unique way to create a thriving life.


Are you ready to embark on your journey?


About Me

Coaching is a partnership between YOU (as the client) and ME (as the coach) to help you reach your personal and professional goals by uncovering and expressing your full potential.

Through a thought-provoking and creative process, I will guide you to unlock previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and self-confidence.


Find out how you can work with me.



* Take the Energy Leadership Index 

Assessment followed by

* A 1h30 debrief session with me to:

  • Uncover the filters through which you perceive the world and measure how they affect your results in life

  • Pinpoint the ones that hold you back or cause you stress

  • Discuss strategies to design your success formula



* Take the Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment 

* And a 1h30 debrief session followed by

* NINE 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to your specific goals and vision

* WhatsApp/email support in between the sessions 


4 months 

Ideal for transition times or shorter term goals



* Take the Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment 

* And a 1h30 debrief session followed by


* TWELVE 1:1 coaching sessions  tailored to your specific situation


* WhatsApp/email support in between the sessions 

6 months

Ideal for a 360° work, with a deeper integration and longer term support


Evelyne Bourdais

Ruth really held space for me in our coaching sessions. I felt truly seen and listened to as she helped me define my goals and uncover my desires. She also guided me in my explorations with a wide variety of tools and eye opening questions.Thanks to our sessions, my self confidence increased dramatically and I feel more serene in my day to day life.
I highly recommend her coaching services ! "
Let's Talk

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate... Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Marianne Williamson

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